All About Us

Welcome to! Now that you’ve found us, your life is about to get a whole lot better and a whole lot easier. That’s because we have only one basic mission in life: to make your online New Zealand casino experiences as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

To achieve our aim, we bring you as much information on as many subjects to do with playing online in New Zealand as we can. You can trust that we’ve checked everything out, which means you don’t have to. You can safely use as your home base when you want to find out about anything to do with playing at the digital casinos in our country. Read on to get more of an idea of what we do.

Our Reviews

We’ve brought all the best and brightest online casinos in New Zealand together for you here, which makes choosing from the huge array of options at your disposal a little easier. You can read through our write-ups and then decide which of them seem like the best prospects for you. With your narrowed-down list, visiting sites and trying them out for yourself should go more quickly.

It’s also important to use banking options, devices and operating systems that you trust and feel totally comfortable with. That’s why we showcase all the most popular online options for these important decisions as well, so you can look through them and decide what to try in exactly the same way as the casinos. We’ll also always try to bring you information on new developments, such as the new wearable technology that’s getting everybody so excited.

Our Guidelines and More is also your first port of call when you need to start investigating something like a new casino game, or how to go about deciding which casino to play at in the first place. We’ve put together basic pointers to all of these things, especially the basics and finer points of Roulette of course, and we’ll keep adding more as we keep growing.

There are plenty of other interesting topics featured on our site as well, such as the latest trends in the online casinos of New Zealand, gaming-themed gifts and just about anything else you can think of. If it’s got anything to do with betting, playing and winning, you can be sure you’ll find something about it here at!

Use Us as Your Springboard

We at like to think of ourselves as quite comprehensive and far-reaching, but we don’t have all the information on everything that you could ever want to know about online casinos and playing in New Zealand. What we do offer is accurate information and tips on what to do next with it.

Let us be your starting point as you navigate the waters of playing online in New Zealand. We’ll give you all the basic facts you need to get started, and point you in the right direction as you start to explore further afield.

If you want to get in touch with us, please drop us a mail and we’ll get back to you shortly!